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Image by Chandan Chaurasia


December 2020

Thank you very much for your commitment to pray for us regularly! Our Almighty God bless you and a loved one for it! Here is a brief overview of the last few weeks:

After we lost our unborn child in August, we agreed that we wanted to have a farewell ceremony. We had a prophet sitting with us in the living room who let us know through the Holy Spirit that it was a boy. Anita already had this thought, which is why she named our son Lemuel. The prophet promised us that we would have another son and that we should then baptize Samuel.

On a Friday morning I, Andreas, took a little more time with God again.

It was such a blessed time because there was so much clarity in my head and I also asked the Holy Spirit a few things. I got the answer right away that we should say goodbye to our prodigal son Lemuel that day.

In the afternoon we were in Karlstetten in Lower Austria on a small hill to do the farewell ceremony. When we drove there in the car, I saw a man walking halfway, then when we started, the man was already at the entrance to the forest and looked down at us with his stick. Then when we got to the top, the man was sitting on a bench next to the place where we had put the decorative stones. He had closed his eyes and was sitting motionless. In the evening in bed I had the impression that the man was our father in heaven, like in the film "The Hut", and he was with us when we said goodbye to Lemuel. We then lit a candle, played a song, celebrated communion and prayed, and then we went back to the car with Tatjana.

It was a solemn farewell, with the hope of seeing you again in heaven!

Yes, we don't understand so much, but we trust that God will make something good out of this too.

Good news from Hochimst in Tyrol: The "Haus des Lebens" seminar center has set an appointment for us in winter 2021 to hold a seminar on the subject of vocations. At this point we want to thank you for your prayers. We are aware that this is an unequivocal answer to prayer. In any case, we look forward to helping some people to discover their calling next year. Together we see our task in helping people to come into their God-given calling. With various practical exercises and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we try to get the participants from A to B. We will love to help people with our enthusiasm to dream big and trust our father to keep his promises. Here is the link to register if you know someone who would like to discover more what God put him in the world for:

Link: Seminar: Follow your destiny, November 5th - 7th, 2021, Hochimst / Tyrol

Unfortunately we both got Corona in mid-November and unfortunately both had all common COVID-19 symptoms except fever.

We had severe body aches and pains, as well as many other ailments, but the chest area hurt the most from coughing ... nevertheless ... it was worse in between with chills and shortness of breath. In this situation we could only trust that our heavenly Father would carry us through and that we would get well again .. Thank God our daughter Tatjana had no serious complaints except a little diarrhea and a lot of boredom ;-)

We are now almost 100% back, still a bit tired and weak and itchy throat, but it will. After our families as well as some from the community were health affected by Corona, everyone is now healthy again. Praise and thanks be to God!

I, Andrew, even got a county office criminal case for being at a meeting with other Christians during the lock down. But the proceedings have since been discontinued after a phone call with the police. I was able to make it clear that it was a prayer meeting, which is exempt from the regulations and restrictions. God is good!

We usually organize a Christmas party every December in a house for the homeless at the "Emmaus" facility in Sankt Pölten in Lower Austria.

Most of the time we sang a few worship songs together, including Christmas carols. In between reading from the Bible and specially written Christmas poems were recited. We also had several kilos of cookies baked and taken with us. It was a really blessed time. We then all sat together on a table and had a very good chat. We also offered to pray for them or to be given a Bible if someone wanted to. In the community, after an impression during prayer, it was decided to give the institution 500 € for the homeless. The leader and also the supervisors who had taken care of the celebration were very grateful.

Due to the Corona there is no celebration this year, but we still wanted to invest in the homeless and present them with Jesus as hope. A dear sister from our community has designed a little booklet for her family with pretty pictures in it. It is clearly about the message of Jesus Christ. Every homeless person gets a little booklet for Christmas this year, plus something to snack on, a little creative thing (painted stones) and a 10 euro note with a Bible verse.

For the coming year we are planning a few days of reconciliation and releasing the relationship between the people of God and the body of Christ in Austria in association with various congregations and houses of prayer. Racism and above all anti-Semitism are always an important topic that should not be kept silent!

Anita experienced herself a few years ago (in Israel) how she was freed from this spirit of racism and only then did she have a heart for Israel. Yes, Christians can also be affected. Maybe even without being aware of it. This can be carried along for generations. We just know that the time is now and that God cares very much.

It is therefore important to do something about it!

The date on May 21 and 22, 2021 has already been fixed and we have already received a very great and well-known worshiper from Israel - Joshua Aaron.

After the booking request, it turned out that he himself is very happy to be there, as there are also victims of the Holocaust in his family. This confirmed our plan yet again. The venue was also an answer to prayer.

We are allowed to hold the ecumenical service on this topic in our government district in the Landhaus in Lower Austria.

That means in the "political headquarters" of the largest federal state Austria.

We had a special prayer time in October. A prophet from Israel came as a surprise and confirmed that we should hold this event next year, where it is about reconciliation between Christians and the people of Israel. He talked about the fact that around the 13th century a total of seven Jewish provinces were settled along the Danube from Budapest to Linz. Anita and a sister in prayer, had the impression weeks before that we should go on a boat trip where we should pray along the Danube, give praise and liberate various places from racism and anti-Semitism. The picture was that the Danube should be swept with blood and corpses, from the time the Danube flows into Austria until it leaves the country again.

The prophet said that at this event I should break the covenant that the Austrian people had declared for the 1000-year Reich with Hitler. I then had a picture of how everyone at the event should do a physical act to fix this bond. Just as many at the Hitler Bund did it at the time by raising their hands in the Hitler salute, they should now either raise both hands or put one hand on their hearts or just hold out one hand to God to express this covenant with Jesus to fix.

Nevertheless, there are still so many unanswered questions that we are currently moving before the Lord. What else is there to do? Which political representatives and church officials should we invite?

Here, too, we are very grateful for your prayers, as a small team has already formed, people who have a heart for the cause and are ready to serve.

It is interesting that through this "commission from God" some brothers and sisters have already been convicted by the Holy Spirit himself that there is still a problem in their hearts on this subject. We are of course very happy when there are such great "side effects" in this project that only God can do. Alleluia!

Here is the link to more information about the Danube project ;-)


  • Even more intimacy with our Lord Jesus and immerse yourself in God's fatherly love

  • Wisdom what priority should be in our life and how we organize our time.

  • Longing of the heart for time in the presence of God - for the people of the community!

  • That Anita's father-in-law and her grandmother both entrust their lives to Jesus Christ.

  • Furthermore for our dear sister in the Lord (Dörthe) who is tormented by illness.

  • Reconciliation event 2021 Austrians - Jews, that we get clarity which church leaders and political representatives should be present at the event and other practical things about the organization.

We wish you a Merry Christmas, good health,

but above all God's blessing for the year 2021. Thank you for your prayer!


Gleich zu Beginn des Jahres erlebten wir einen kleinen, aber doch wundervollen Segen: Anita, Tatjana und ich waren nach Herzogenburg unterwegs zum Eislaufen. Davor sind wir auf dem Hauptplatz noch Mittagessen gegangen ins Restaurant La Strada. Anita hat sich einen Burger bestellt und ich Hühner Nuggets mit Pommes und Salat und ein paar Saucen und natürlich Getränke dazu. Während wir essen, kam ein Mann ins Lokal und fragte die Kellnerin, wie das hier mit dem Parken funktioniert. Sie meinte, man braucht eine Parkuhr, aber sie hätte keine und er kann in der Trafik eine kaufen. Ich bin dann raus zu meinem Auto gegangen und habe ihm eine Parkuhr geschenkt, sogar eine mit Bibelversen auf der Rückseite ;-) Er hat sich bedankt, kurz einen Kaffee getrunken und einen halben Kuchen gegessen und ist dann wieder gegangen. Ich sagte noch zur Anita, jetzt hat er eine Parkuhr mit Bibelversen auf der Rückseite - sie meinte nur: sowas gibt es ? Ich weiß noch, dass ich kurz überlegt hatte, ob ich denn meine schöne Parkuhr hergeben soll, die die Bibelverse auf der Rückseite hat ;-)

Wir haben uns nach dem Essen auch zwei Stück Mehlspeisen gegönnt und ich ging dann zur Kellnerin, um zu zahlen. Sie meinte, ich bräuchte nur die zwei Mehlspeisen zu zahlen, der Herr mit der Parkuhr hätte unsere gesamte Rechnung übernommen. Wir waren total erstaunt, weil es nicht gerade günstig war, was wir alles konsumiert hatten. Natürlich haben wir uns sehr gefreut und auch Gott gedankt für seine Versorgung gleich zu Jahresbeginn. 


Seit 2016 organisieren Anita und ich (dank dem Manfred Widhalm) bei der Emmaus Weihnachtsfeiern und Grillfeste für die Obdachlosen - nur um von Jesus zu erzählen! 🙏

Diese Jahr machten wir die Obdachlosenweihnachtsfeier wieder mit dem Team das schon die Vorjahre so engagiert war, zusätzlich aber noch mit Mitarbeitern der Firma Isoplus aus Hohenberg, die die Feier finanziell unterstützt haben. Jeder Obdachlose bekam als Weihnachtsgeschenk einen 10,- Eur Gutschein für den Spar und einen Kalender mit Bibelversen. Es war heuer etwas anders bei der Obdachlosen Weihnachtsfeier… familiärer und auch lockerer! Und was vor allem ganz klar spürbar war, war die Liebe Gottes! 🕊️Es gab einige gute und auch tiefe Gespräche. Ein Zeugnis von mir: Mitten im Gebet während der Veranstaltung hat mich einer der Obdachlosen sehr emotional unterbrochen… um (s)ein Gebetsanliegen zu sagen ! Vor Allen! 🙏🏼👍😅💪 Es war so stark, weil er damit auch untermauert hat, wie sehr er ans Gebet glaubt und hofft, dass sein Freund (den viele dort kannten aus der Notschlafstelle) wieder aus dem Koma und somit aus dem Spital herauskommt. 🙏🏼

Die Mitarbeiter des Sponsors, Isoplus waren sichtlich berührt über die entspannte und friedliche Atmosphäre, die sind das nächste Mal wieder dabei. Es war auch spürbar Freude da! Anita hatte diesmal Weihnachtslieder und Gospels am Klavier vorbereitet und alle hatten riesigen Spaß und Freude daran mitzusingen und zu musizieren! Einige der obdachlosen Besucher wollten dann unbedingt auch selber singen und es war, als haben sie dadurch neue Hoffnung bekommen, dass sie nicht nur gesehen sondern auch gehört werden, auch trotz ihrer Umstände. Jeder der Sänger oder Musiker strahlte und es war auch für uns schön zu sehen, dass das so gut angenommen wird. Ein Mann wollte gar nicht mehr aufhören "Oh happy Day" zu singen :-) Ein anderer Herr aus Russland sang ein Operettenstück ohne musikalische Begleitung - auch hier waren alle Bewohner sehr aufmerksam und zeigten ihr Interesse. Ich denke, da waren ein paar unvergessliche Momente für die Bewohner dabei, an die sie sich gerne erinnern werden. Der Wohnheimleiter sagte zu mir, es ist so die Freude sichtbar, obwohl es normal einige Spannungsfelder gibt, wenn so viele Leute da sind - wir machen was richtig 👍 und sie sind sehr dankbar, dass wir das Programm machen.


Seit Herbst des Vorjahres gibt es ja für die Jugend, aus der Region rund um Karlstetten,

eine neue Möglichkeit die Samstag Abende zu verbringen - und zwar mit uns.

Schon am ersten Abend wurde das Angebot von 16 Jugendlichen angenommen, weshalb kurzerhand der Verein Karlstettner Jugendtreff° gegründet wurde.

Wir versuchen den Jugendlichen mit verschiedenen Inputs und Spielen christliche Werte mitzugeben. Es werden eine Menge Finanzen für das Projekt zur Verfügung gestellt, so hat auch das Land Niederösterreich 2500,- Euro gesponsert, damit wir die Räumlichkeiten schön einrichten können👍.  Zum einen soll es eine Zeit mit Gesprächen sein, aber auch eine Zeit den Glauben auf eine neue Art zu transportieren. Es geht um aktuelle Themen wie Angst, Identität, Stress oder Berufung - vor allem aber darum, wie wir mit Gott gehen.🙏



Aufgrund des augenscheinlichen Erfolges und guten Zugang zu den Jugendlichen im Ort wurden wir vor ein paar Wochen angesprochen, ob Anita und ich heuer bei der Firmvorbereitung helfen wollen👍.  An der Stelle sollten wir nochmal festhalten, dass wir nicht in der katholischen Kirche sind (haben wir denen auch nochmal kundgetan) und es daher eine echt große offene Türe ist, dort den insgesamt 39 Jugendlichen zu erzählen worum es bei der Firmung geht: Dem Empfangen vom heiligen Geist!

UND... eine persönliches Kennenlernen und eine Beziehung zu Jesus Christus und dem Vater im Himmel! Natürlich ist das ein schmaler Grat, dessen sind wir uns bewußt, aber wir wollen darauf hören, was Gott uns sagt und gehorsam sein. 

Hier brauchen wir wirklich euer Gebet... wir geben unser Bestes um den Jugendlichen den Weg aufzuzeigen.. den Rest kann nur Gott selbst machen. Sicher 90% der Firmlinge hat beim Kennenlernen-Treffen offen gesagt, dass sie sich nur firmen lassen wegen des Firmgeschenkes.

Und trotzdem... es zeigte sich bei den letzten Firmvorbereitungsstunden, dass Gott hier etwas vorbereitet hat. Ich, Anita kämpfte vor der letzten Stunde sehr mit Menschenfurcht und ganz klar... ich wollte für/vor den Jugendlichen cool sein, damit sie die Botschaft vielleicht eher annehmen. Denn der Plan war, ganz eindeutig - das Evangelium zu bringen. Aber Gottes Geist hat mich am Abend zuvor überführt und ich bekam ein kares Reden von ihm:"Nichts was du tust oder sagst wird je größer oder besser sein als Gottes Wirken oder seine Kraft!"Und darin möchte ich auch jeden, der das liest ermutigen, dass es nicht darum geht, wie wir wirken, aussehen, was wir anhaben oder ob wir uns hilflos oder schwach fühlen... DENN.. Es geht nicht um uns! Und in den Schwachen ist ER STARK!! HALLELUJAH!

Es kommen Zeiten auf uns zu (bzw. sind schon da), da zählt nicht mehr (nur) das Äußere sondern der Friede und die Kraft, die aus uns heraus strahlt - Gott selbst in uns und seine Liebe. Und an DAS erinnert sich ein Mensch der mit dir spricht, und nicht, ob du die Nägel lackiert hast oder "die Haare schön" hast :-)

Danke Jesus, dass wir immer dazulernen dürfen! Durch diese (wiedermal) erfahrene Erkenntnis war ich am nächsten Tag sehr entspannt und es war soooo ein Segen zu sehen, wie die 39 Jugendlichen gehört haben, worum es doch wirklich geht! 

Ja, es gibt auch Gegenwind... wir merken, es tauchen immer wieder Fragen auf - Wer wir sind, ob wir in einer Freikirche sind usw. auch aus einer Sekte wurden wir schon betitelt... betet mit uns, damit wir so lange dort sein können, wie Gott es geplant hat. DANKE!


Der Podcast ist nun bereits seit Herbst 2023 voll im Laufen und es gibt auch schon einige Folgen zum Anhören. Wir sind Gott so dankbar, weil wir doch da und dort positive Rückmeldungen bekommen... das ermutigt uns. Unser Ziel ist es mit dem Podcast Gott genau den Menschen näher zu bringen, die ihn noch nicht so gut kennen. Immer wieder mal sind wir überrascht, wenn jemand dann zu uns sagt: Ich habe mir euren Podcast angehört ,-) 

Ja, manchmal ist es herausfordernd und wir haben auch schon Folgen aufgenommen, die wir dann gleich wieder verworfen haben (man spürt einfach, wenn kein Geist Gottes drin ist und kein Fluß)

dennoch sind wir dankbar, mit diesem Projekt Gottes Liebe in die Welt zu bringen. 

Wenn du das ganze unterstützen willst, dann abonniere doch den Kanal auf Spotifiy oder Youtube und klicke auch auf die Glocke... 

ABER ganz wichtig ist uns... sag es Freunden, Verwandten, Arbeitskollegen oder Bekannten weiter!

Wir haben auch ein paar Werbeartikel zu verschicken, wenn du irgendwo etwas auflegen willst. Meld dich einfach bei uns - wir schicken dir gerne versandkostenfrei etwas zu!

Hier der Link zum Podcast 🤩

PODCAST auf YOUTUBE: >>klick<<


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December 2020

Thank you very much for your commitment to pray for us regularly! Our Almighty God bless you and a loved one for it! Here is a brief overview of the last few weeks:

After we lost our unborn child in August, we agreed that we wanted to have a farewell ceremony. We had a prophet sitting with us in the living room who let us know through the Holy Spirit that it was a boy. Anita already had this thought, which is why she named our son Lemuel. The prophet promised us that we would have another son and that we should then baptize Samuel.

On a Friday morning I, Andreas, took a little more time with God again.

It was such a blessed time because there was so much clarity in my head and I also asked the Holy Spirit a few things. I got the answer right away that we should say goodbye to our prodigal son Lemuel that day.

In the afternoon we were in Karlstetten in Lower Austria on a small hill to do the farewell ceremony. When we drove there in the car, I saw a man walking halfway, then when we started, the man was already at the entrance to the forest and looked down at us with his stick. Then when we got to the top, the man was sitting on a bench next to the place where we had put the decorative stones. He had closed his eyes and was sitting motionless. In the evening in bed I had the impression that the man was our father in heaven, like in the film "The Hut", and he was with us when we said goodbye to Lemuel. We then lit a candle, played a song, celebrated communion and prayed, and then we went back to the car with Tatjana.

It was a solemn farewell, with the hope of seeing you again in heaven!

Yes, we don't understand so much, but we trust that God will make something good out of this too.

Good news from Hochimst in Tyrol: The "Haus des Lebens" seminar center has set an appointment for us in winter 2021 to hold a seminar on the subject of vocations. At this point we want to thank you for your prayers. We are aware that this is an unequivocal answer to prayer. In any case, we look forward to helping some people to discover their calling next year. Together we see our task in helping people to come into their God-given calling. With various practical exercises and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we try to get the participants from A to B. We will love to help people with our enthusiasm to dream big and trust our father to keep his promises. Here is the link to register if you know someone who would like to discover more what God put him in the world for:

Link: Seminar: Follow your destiny, November 5th - 7th, 2021, Hochimst / Tyrol

Unfortunately we both got Corona in mid-November and unfortunately both had all common COVID-19 symptoms except fever.

We had severe body aches and pains, as well as many other ailments, but the chest area hurt the most from coughing ... nevertheless ... it was worse in between with chills and shortness of breath. In this situation we could only trust that our heavenly Father would carry us through and that we would get well again .. Thank God our daughter Tatjana had no serious complaints except a little diarrhea and a lot of boredom ;-)

We are now almost 100% back, still a bit tired and weak and itchy throat, but it will. After our families as well as some from the community were health affected by Corona, everyone is now healthy again. Praise and thanks be to God!

I, Andrew, even got a county office criminal case for being at a meeting with other Christians during the lock down. But the proceedings have since been discontinued after a phone call with the police. I was able to make it clear that it was a prayer meeting, which is exempt from the regulations and restrictions. God is good!

We usually organize a Christmas party every December in a house for the homeless at the "Emmaus" facility in Sankt Pölten in Lower Austria.

Most of the time we sang a few worship songs together, including Christmas carols. In between reading from the Bible and specially written Christmas poems were recited. We also had several kilos of cookies baked and taken with us. It was a really blessed time. We then all sat together on a table and had a very good chat. We also offered to pray for them or to be given a Bible if someone wanted to. In the community, after an impression during prayer, it was decided to give the institution 500 € for the homeless. The leader and also the supervisors who had taken care of the celebration were very grateful.

Due to the Corona there is no celebration this year, but we still wanted to invest in the homeless and present them with Jesus as hope. A dear sister from our community has designed a little booklet for her family with pretty pictures in it. It is clearly about the message of Jesus Christ. Every homeless person gets a little booklet for Christmas this year, plus something to snack on, a little creative thing (painted stones) and a 10 euro note with a Bible verse.

For the coming year we are planning a few days of reconciliation and releasing the relationship between the people of God and the body of Christ in Austria in association with various congregations and houses of prayer. Racism and above all anti-Semitism are always an important topic that should not be kept silent!

Anita experienced herself a few years ago (in Israel) how she was freed from this spirit of racism and only then did she have a heart for Israel. Yes, Christians can also be affected. Maybe even without being aware of it. This can be carried along for generations. We just know that the time is now and that God cares very much.

It is therefore important to do something about it!

The date on May 21 and 22, 2021 has already been fixed and we have already received a very great and well-known worshiper from Israel - Joshua Aaron.

After the booking request, it turned out that he himself is very happy to be there, as there are also victims of the Holocaust in his family. This confirmed our plan yet again. The venue was also an answer to prayer.

We are allowed to hold the ecumenical service on this topic in our government district in the Landhaus in Lower Austria.

That means in the "political headquarters" of the largest federal state Austria.

We had a special prayer time in October. A prophet from Israel came as a surprise and confirmed that we should hold this event next year, where it is about reconciliation between Christians and the people of Israel. He talked about the fact that around the 13th century a total of seven Jewish provinces were settled along the Danube from Budapest to Linz. Anita and a sister in prayer, had the impression weeks before that we should go on a boat trip where we should pray along the Danube, give praise and liberate various places from racism and anti-Semitism. The picture was that the Danube should be swept with blood and corpses, from the time the Danube flows into Austria until it leaves the country again.

The prophet said that at this event I should break the covenant that the Austrian people had declared for the 1000-year Reich with Hitler. I then had a picture of how everyone at the event should do a physical act to fix this bond. Just as many at the Hitler Bund did it at the time by raising their hands in the Hitler salute, they should now either raise both hands or put one hand on their hearts or just hold out one hand to God to express this covenant with Jesus to fix.

Nevertheless, there are still so many unanswered questions that we are currently moving before the Lord. What else is there to do? Which political representatives and church officials should we invite?

Here, too, we are very grateful for your prayers, as a small team has already formed, people who have a heart for the cause and are ready to serve.

It is interesting that through this "commission from God" some brothers and sisters have already been convicted by the Holy Spirit himself that there is still a problem in their hearts on this subject. We are of course very happy when there are such great "side effects" in this project that only God can do. Alleluia!

Here is the link to more information about the Danube project ;-)


  • Even more intimacy with our Lord Jesus and immerse yourself in God's fatherly love

  • Wisdom what priority should be in our life and how we organize our time.

  • Longing of the heart for time in the presence of God - for the people of the community!

  • That Anita's father-in-law and her grandmother both entrust their lives to Jesus Christ.

  • Furthermore for our dear sister in the Lord (Dörthe) who is tormented by illness.

  • Reconciliation event 2021 Austrians - Jews, that we get clarity which church leaders and political representatives should be present at the event and other practical things about the organization.

We wish you a Merry Christmas, good health,

but above all God's blessing for the year 2021. Thank you for your prayer!

December 2020

Thank you very much for your commitment to pray for us regularly! Our Almighty God bless you and a loved one for it! Here is a brief overview of the last few weeks:

After we lost our unborn child in August, we agreed that we wanted to have a farewell ceremony. We had a prophet sitting with us in the living room who let us know through the Holy Spirit that it was a boy. Anita already had this thought, which is why she named our son Lemuel. The prophet promised us that we would have another son and that we should then baptize Samuel.

On a Friday morning I, Andreas, took a little more time with God again.

It was such a blessed time because there was so much clarity in my head and I also asked the Holy Spirit a few things. I got the answer right away that we should say goodbye to our prodigal son Lemuel that day.

In the afternoon we were in Karlstetten in Lower Austria on a small hill to do the farewell ceremony. When we drove there in the car, I saw a man walking halfway, then when we started, the man was already at the entrance to the forest and looked down at us with his stick. Then when we got to the top, the man was sitting on a bench next to the place where we had put the decorative stones. He had closed his eyes and was sitting motionless. In the evening in bed I had the impression that the man was our father in heaven, like in the film "The Hut", and he was with us when we said goodbye to Lemuel. We then lit a candle, played a song, celebrated communion and prayed, and then we went back to the car with Tatjana.

It was a solemn farewell, with the hope of seeing you again in heaven!

Yes, we don't understand so much, but we trust that God will make something good out of this too.

Good news from Hochimst in Tyrol: The "Haus des Lebens" seminar center has set an appointment for us in winter 2021 to hold a seminar on the subject of vocations. At this point we want to thank you for your prayers. We are aware that this is an unequivocal answer to prayer. In any case, we look forward to helping some people to discover their calling next year. Together we see our task in helping people to come into their God-given calling. With various practical exercises and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we try to get the participants from A to B. We will love to help people with our enthusiasm to dream big and trust our father to keep his promises. Here is the link to register if you know someone who would like to discover more what God put him in the world for:

Link: Seminar: Follow your destiny, November 5th - 7th, 2021, Hochimst / Tyrol

Unfortunately we both got Corona in mid-November and unfortunately both had all common COVID-19 symptoms except fever.

We had severe body aches and pains, as well as many other ailments, but the chest area hurt the most from coughing ... nevertheless ... it was worse in between with chills and shortness of breath. In this situation we could only trust that our heavenly Father would carry us through and that we would get well again .. Thank God our daughter Tatjana had no serious complaints except a little diarrhea and a lot of boredom ;-)

We are now almost 100% back, still a bit tired and weak and itchy throat, but it will. After our families as well as some from the community were health affected by Corona, everyone is now healthy again. Praise and thanks be to God!

I, Andrew, even got a county office criminal case for being at a meeting with other Christians during the lock down. But the proceedings have since been discontinued after a phone call with the police. I was able to make it clear that it was a prayer meeting, which is exempt from the regulations and restrictions. God is good!

We usually organize a Christmas party every December in a house for the homeless at the "Emmaus" facility in Sankt Pölten in Lower Austria.

Most of the time we sang a few worship songs together, including Christmas carols. In between reading from the Bible and specially written Christmas poems were recited. We also had several kilos of cookies baked and taken with us. It was a really blessed time. We then all sat together on a table and had a very good chat. We also offered to pray for them or to be given a Bible if someone wanted to. In the community, after an impression during prayer, it was decided to give the institution 500 € for the homeless. The leader and also the supervisors who had taken care of the celebration were very grateful.

Due to the Corona there is no celebration this year, but we still wanted to invest in the homeless and present them with Jesus as hope. A dear sister from our community has designed a little booklet for her family with pretty pictures in it. It is clearly about the message of Jesus Christ. Every homeless person gets a little booklet for Christmas this year, plus something to snack on, a little creative thing (painted stones) and a 10 euro note with a Bible verse.

For the coming year we are planning a few days of reconciliation and releasing the relationship between the people of God and the body of Christ in Austria in association with various congregations and houses of prayer. Racism and above all anti-Semitism are always an important topic that should not be kept silent!

Anita experienced herself a few years ago (in Israel) how she was freed from this spirit of racism and only then did she have a heart for Israel. Yes, Christians can also be affected. Maybe even without being aware of it. This can be carried along for generations. We just know that the time is now and that God cares very much.

It is therefore important to do something about it!

The date on May 21 and 22, 2021 has already been fixed and we have already received a very great and well-known worshiper from Israel - Joshua Aaron.

After the booking request, it turned out that he himself is very happy to be there, as there are also victims of the Holocaust in his family. This confirmed our plan yet again. The venue was also an answer to prayer.

We are allowed to hold the ecumenical service on this topic in our government district in the Landhaus in Lower Austria.

That means in the "political headquarters" of the largest federal state Austria.

We had a special prayer time in October. A prophet from Israel came as a surprise and confirmed that we should hold this event next year, where it is about reconciliation between Christians and the people of Israel. He talked about the fact that around the 13th century a total of seven Jewish provinces were settled along the Danube from Budapest to Linz. Anita and a sister in prayer, had the impression weeks before that we should go on a boat trip where we should pray along the Danube, give praise and liberate various places from racism and anti-Semitism. The picture was that the Danube should be swept with blood and corpses, from the time the Danube flows into Austria until it leaves the country again.

The prophet said that at this event I should break the covenant that the Austrian people had declared for the 1000-year Reich with Hitler. I then had a picture of how everyone at the event should do a physical act to fix this bond. Just as many at the Hitler Bund did it at the time by raising their hands in the Hitler salute, they should now either raise both hands or put one hand on their hearts or just hold out one hand to God to express this covenant with Jesus to fix.

Nevertheless, there are still so many unanswered questions that we are currently moving before the Lord. What else is there to do? Which political representatives and church officials should we invite?

Here, too, we are very grateful for your prayers, as a small team has already formed, people who have a heart for the cause and are ready to serve.

It is interesting that through this "commission from God" some brothers and sisters have already been convicted by the Holy Spirit himself that there is still a problem in their hearts on this subject. We are of course very happy when there are such great "side effects" in this project that only God can do. Alleluia!

Here is the link to more information about the Danube project ;-)


  • Even more intimacy with our Lord Jesus and immerse yourself in God's fatherly love

  • Wisdom what priority should be in our life and how we organize our time.

  • Longing of the heart for time in the presence of God - for the people of the community!

  • That Anita's father-in-law and her grandmother both entrust their lives to Jesus Christ.

  • Furthermore for our dear sister in the Lord (Dörthe) who is tormented by illness.

  • Reconciliation event 2021 Austrians - Jews, that we get clarity which church leaders and political representatives should be present at the event and other practical things about the organization.

We wish you a Merry Christmas, good health,

but above all God's blessing for the year 2021. Thank you for your prayer!

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and your love!

Be blessed with Eph. 1:17:

"I pray that God - the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father to whom all power and glory belongs - will give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you will get to know him better and better."

Sincerely, YOUR Andreas & Anita

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